Rolex how to see true and false? How to identify Rolex Rolex true and false?

As replica watches uk brand enjoys popular support in the country, so in recent years, domestic Rolex watches Rolex fake spread so small spend tens of dollars to spend a few dollars can buy a Rolex Rolex, Rolex today to teach you how this Rolex men table Appearance to distinguish between true and false. Rolex Rolex how to see true and false how Rolex Rolex true and false identification As Rolex Rolex brand enjoys popular support in the country, so in recent years, domestic Rolex watches Rolex fake spread so small spend tens of dollars to spend a few dollars can buy a Rolex Rolex, Rolex today to teach you how this Rolex men table Appearance to distinguish between true and false.

First, see dial true and false Fake rolex replica dial on rough there are many, such as diamonds of different sizes, position missing. Luminous point of the missing position, calendar box and dial on the missing, and some glass iris printed above the production serial number. Rolex how to see true and false, how to identify Rolex Rolex true and false

Second, look at laser anti-counterfeit labels 1, Rolex Rolex watches from 2002 on the sapphire crystal in the direction of the six o'clock direction of etching a very small sign, this sign is very small, need to use a magnifying glass or eyepiece can be seen, if it is marked with the S Indicating that the mirror has been replaced. 2, the real Rolex Rolex table mirror logo is composed of 152 points from the point of match is the first part of seven points, the opening circle for a 14 points. Because the fine workmanship false table is not the point. Rolex how to see true and false, how to identify Rolex Rolex true and false

Third, watch strap 1, the general fake rolex Rolex strap relatively rough work, especially between the more obvious gold will appear between the gold-plated edge of the bad deal. 2, genuine gold strap in the case of bending can be seen relatively thick section, the thickness is not uniform, and fake thickness is the same. 3, the real gold between the middle part of the gold strap and the outer part of the steel is parallel, feels feels smooth, and fake gold part of the steel than the outer part of the touch to feel a little lower detail the transition sense . 4, most of the fake Rolex Rolex position in the clasp will not lettering. Rolex how to see true and false, how to identify rolex replica true and false Fourth, look at the case structure

1, fake Rolex Rolex watches is the biggest characteristic of the regular "mix and match", often mix and match different models of the series together into a new product, they are also estimated to do so in order to reduce costs. 2, and some counterfeit Rolex Rolex case also printed on the back of the table does not match the material description, such as some of the steel will be printed between the gold material. Rolex how to see true and false, how to identify Rolex Rolex true and false Fifth, distinguish between true and false head Rolex Rolex genuine head, round like a laugh in the mouth so-called "open laugh", while the counterfeit due to process problems to the "closed shade mouth", the contrast can be easily identified .